Out into the World
“Now this unusual trio was born, from her fear transformed.
The Little Girl, the Rage and the Warrior, together walking back into the world”.

“Once upon a time, there was a monster with a littler girl trapped inside.
It will feel everything but nothing at all.
It will consume everything and starve her soul.”
“She used her Rage to wreck it all.
To crush the shells that kept her trapped.
Her Rage lit the way, now she rests for the first time.”
“From her darkness, the Warrior was born.
From her light, the monster was torn.”
“ I see the Rage.
I feel the Rage.
“I will not contain this Rage.
I will harness it.
I will transform it”.
"There she is in all her beauty.
There she is in all her love.
Her wisdom & fullness protect us.
Her presence full of grace.
I greet you Oh Holly Mother,
because we meet yet again".
“Now this unusual trio was born, from her fear transformed.
The Little Girl, the Rage and the Warrior, together walking back into the world”.