After 3 years of pandemic and the world imploding... A lot of us are experiencing grief one way or another. So I think it is a good time to share my own experience with one of the most complex emotions there is.
I once heard writer @elizabeth_gilbert_writer say that grief has been her biggest creative challenge. This gave me goosebumps but I was not able to understand it... Until grief swallowed me whole.
I thought I had already mourn the loss that comes with healing trauma, and shedding the stories I told myself to survive. I had no clue that it was just the beginning.
Once the anger started to reside, I felt heavy... oh so heavy!. As if I had been molten lava running down hill with full force, and suddenly I hit the ocean and became rock solid. Sinking into the deep.
On the outside it looked like depression. I was moody, loosing sense of time, skipping meals and just not taking care of myself. I felt like I was suffocating, and the world was becoming narrower and narrower. In an attempt to come back to myself, I grabbed my pen and started sketching... looking for an image that translated the rawness of it all.
All I knew was that I was not depressed. Depression to me equals feeling numb... and I was feeling so much. To the point of overwhelm. I couldn't regulate, any little thing would send me on a spiral of sadness, rage and anxiety. All of it happening on the inside, while looking drained and exhausted on the outside.
This is how the little girl showed up for me, on a raft, adrift at see. On a moonless night over a calm but deep, deep waters. Waiting. Sitting. Drifting. It was sharp and the end all I could do was to FEEL IT.
@brenebrown defines grief as the feeling of loss and feeling lost. Once I realized this, I was able to name it. It took me months, but then I remembered Liz's words and went to work with it. I started introducing dance to my yoga practice and allow myself time to cry and release. It was hard, surprisingly fun and it was so healing.
To learn to grief, is to learn to surrender. Nothing can contain it, nothing will stop it. Just like a river that will find its way to the ocean, grief will show you that sometimes you just have to let things go through you.
Whatever loss you are experiencing now, I see you. You are not alone!